
The importance of domain names for the success o

Trends 1320

Many users who have contacted the website should be very clear that if they want to have a successful website, they must first buy a high-quality domain name. The importance of domain names for the success of a website is self-evident, and Shenzhen website construction – desert wind Xiaobian also believes that many users should also have heard of the benefits of building old domain names for SEO optimization. This should be a topic that all friends engaged in SEO optimization will inevitably come into contact with. Is the old domain names helpful to website SEO, and what is its value? Today, Xiaobian will give you a detailed answer.
1、 Help the website survive the sandbox period
“Sandbox effect” should not be unfamiliar to many webmasters engaged in SEO optimization, or they can say that they are very familiar with it. New domain name websites generally have a sandbox effect observation period, so that at the beginning of the establishment of the site, if the number of external chains suddenly increases rapidly, rather than natural growth, it is easy to arouse the suspicion of search engines that the site is cheating, So that the website was punished by the search engine. However, if the site is built with an old domain name, there will be no concern in this regard. As long as the increase is regular, it doesn’t matter if the number is large, nor will the site be K.
2、 Website revision, ranking easy to restore
Website revision has a great impact on website keyword ranking, website weight and traffic. I believe that many webmasters who own enterprise websites or engage in SEO optimization should be very clear, especially for new websites. Frequent revision may face the risk of being closed. However, the revision of the old domain name website will be much better. As long as the website structure is not changed too much and frequently, there will basically be no big problem. Even if there is a small adjustment or snapshot back to the file, it will still recover quickly after the later maintenance.
3、 Can inherit the weight of the original website
In the process of website construction, using the old domain name will have the advantage of weight inheritance, that is to say, under normal circumstances, the old domain name will have a better weight in the search engine, so the old domain name has its unique advantage when building a website. Although all major search engines have declared that the domain name will be re registered after it expires, and the weight will be reduced. However, it will take time for the weight of the expired domain name to disappear. As long as it is re enabled before it completely disappears, the weight of the old domain name can still be recovered.
4、 Conducive to website Collection
In general, relatively old domain names take a long time to register. Even if you can’t publish updated articles every day, or many published articles are pseudo original, or even haven’t updated articles for a long time, the problems are not big. As long as you pick them up again, update articles every day, and maintain them accordingly, Baidu will still include the articles you updated, and the snapshots will be updated quickly, And the weight and ranking given will not be too low.
5、 Help to improve keyword ranking
For the ranking of website keywords, I believe that many enterprises with websites are concerned about it. For domain names alone, the longer the domain name is registered, the easier it is to optimize the key ranking of websites. However, this is not absolute. If your website continues not to update or increase the external chain, even if the domain name of your website is an old domain name, the ranking of keywords can not always be on the page, and may also drop to more than 100.
6、 Inborn external chain advantage
In terms of external chain construction, the old domain name has inherent advantages that the new domain name does not have, because when the old domain name has accumulated a very rich external chain before the original site is stopped, and although with the precipitation of time, when the old domain name is enabled again, the number of external chains is not as great as before, but the remaining ones are relatively stable and high-quality external chains. At this time, there is a common saying: “predecessors plant trees, and later generations enjoy the cool,” which is especially suitable to describe the current situation.
The use of old domain names in website construction can bring great benefits to SEO optimization, but this is not absolute. After all, there are pros and cons in everything in the world. If you choose a domain name of a website that used to be a garbage station, was punished by the search engine, and has defects in the search engine, it will not help SEO optimization, and may even cause certain adverse effects

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